Wednesday, July 27, 2005

... apparent

i wish that i could just lock eyes with you and know that you knew what i couldn't manage to say but felt so strongly that it just drips off of me onto you and that we could share so much from such a simple little thing but it really all comes down to the fact that you. just. don't. get. it.


shenry said...

I can feel the drips falling onto my post below.

starz said...

well. i am glad to know that someone does get it.

Nat said...

I had thoughts like that once upon a recent time. I wanted to say it, but I didn't heed my fortune cookie's advice.

I have this fortune ... or had it, I don't know where it went... it said "Know the right moment."

Usually I don't have a problem with that, but that's because the right moment makes itself known.

Apparently it wasn't going to be apparent - the right moment slipped into blackness, making that the end of that.