Thursday, April 27, 2006


"in retrospect..."

people always say that, as if had they the fabled 20/20 hindsight, or foresight, or sidesight, lowlight, back when they made the choice that put them there in the first place, they could have, would have, should have made a better, more enlightened decision.

but, it's not true, and it pisses me off. there's three sides to every story. ever heard that? there's your side. my side. and the truth. even had your hindsight been perfection in a royal blue sweater, the view would still be tinted, tainted with your own ideas, opinions, tastes, lusts.

to all of you, all of we, all of me, out all you retrospect(ators) looking back, saying, "if only i had..."

it's done. it's over. let it go. move on.


1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I was just thinking this morning about a song by Allen Levi where he says that as he looks back on his life/regrets, etc, "the things that I'd remove are the things that make the story mine." So true!!