Wednesday, June 18, 2008

oneword : deep

The beat sounds at a steady pace while she stands on the moving platform. She’s awaiting her next destination also known as mission impossible, except without the guns or the spies. Suddenly, the platform that appeared flat starts moving downwards. Faster and deeper. Almost like a flip book or those advertisements that appear in motion on the metro, the speed of the platform are like the images that she holds tightly since they seem so fleeting. These images... she holds close since she knows her thoughts easily become images, which are almost real enough touch. The beat and sounds increase with the addition of a few images that are momentarily holding their presence for


haze said...

i really don't know what took you so long. :p

starz said...

hiiiiiiiiiiiiii, marian!

sometimes i am overloaded with images in the back of my mind... and your post totally captured what it can feel like.
