Wednesday, July 30, 2008

GRE: aberrant

aberrant adj. deviating from normal or correct.

what a lovely way to begin. this word, this aberrant, rubbing in the fact that my entire desired "career" path makes no sense. that it's different. that it's barely understood, let alone accepted. such a smart girl i was, such an over achiever. everything was there. right in line. right on time. why couldn't i have just gotten a full time gig like everyone else? or better yet, why couldn't i have taken the GRE back then? why couldn't i have just done what was normal?

hello. my name is aberrant. and i am a unique snowflake.

...just maybe not in the good way.


Anonymous said...

This is one of the first words in all GRE books... i love it and i love that you're introducing GRE words since i should be taking the GREs within the next 2 weeks. *crosses fingers*

haze said...

see Marian, i told you this site would be useful ;)

spirit said...

LIZ. Your path is the only way you will be able to reach whatever destination is in your future. I love your brave rejection of the norm. Sometimes I wish I was right there with you.