Sunday, July 27, 2008

oneword: graffiti

you were there, unexpectedly last night, smearing across my dreams. recklessly, haphazardly, as if some sort of amateur artist had sloppily plastered your face there. i didn't think i would ever see you there again...or that i would ever feel so much longing when i finally pried myself away long enough to wake up.

graffiti. sometimes forgotten. looked down upon because it isn't what most would consider art.

but then again, i always saw you a bit differently. and unfortunately, i think you will always be around. even if i don't want to look at you.

1 comment:

starz said...

i can say truly, grateful, honestly...

that i am so glad

... i missed this word.

the illusions you produced from it scare me in how much i will never be able to think of this art without him. him. him.