Friday, July 16, 2004


"Hey, what happens when I press this button?"
"Um, I'm not sure."
"Oh. Well, how do I find out?"
"I dunno. Have you checked the manual?"
"I'm writing it."


Anonymous said...

you all are crazy!

Anonymous said...

Since there is no anonymous posting, one is forced to comment anonymously (and drunkly too... though i highly doubt that drunkly is really a word and now i'm rambling... and now where i want to ramble...)


I love that word, perhaps the second most perfect word in the entire english language. I think it may follow only the word Cellar, which all must be in agreement is the most perfect word, poeticly, spiritually, politically, hell, in every way possible. ANyways, back to Tenacious...


Why tenaciously persue every goal? You are bound to lose. What's worse is that in winning, you still lose. Perhaps you want to be a remarkable individual, reknowned in the annals of all recorded history. The drawback is in the desire to do so. Few individuals that have ever attempted to make themselves great have ever actually succeded. Those who are heroes, the great ones, the ones that ARE remembered, had no intention of doing so. Take for example, Ghandi... Not a great man... Just a man who, through luck, disposition and extraordinary circumstance, became a man of greatness. Perhaps a bad example you would argue? Fine, how about the tenacity that we have to be non-conformists? It is in and of itself an impossible task. In non-conformity, we conform. You are more like to not conform by simply following the conformist trend. The non-conformist are the conformed party. And it is sad. The tenacity to persue love. Saddest of all is this.... In the the tenacity to persue, to push, to find, to look, to discover, we find that the only way to find true love is to stop looking. He is sitting right beside you, behind you, across from you. Starring at the empty cup of coffe as the grinds swirl in a hypnotic patern. He loses himself to it, and you lose yourself in his persuit. For you find yourself staring at him, you find yourself tenaciously persuing his love, his kindness, his heart and his soul... and you have pushed to far, to hard, too much. He is scarred, and you have broken that wound... You have tenaciously persued him to the point where he tenaciously wants nothing to do with you. Now I question my desire to tenaciously persue the end of this comment.... Give up... Quit, Stop trying... and you will win.... When you persue, you lose, when you give up, you win... It is the key to greatness... Stop trying and start flowing... what fate, god, whatever has in store for you, to fight it delays it...

and i'm spent...ahhh

Anonymous said...

A Non Y Mouse
just because i feel as if i'm on a role... not the kind made of dough... well, maybe....

To My Child

Though I have never known you,
I will always remember you
And carry you with me forever
In my heart and soul.

To my son or daughter,
Whom I will never know
I shall love and cherish you
Until my dying day.

For you were taken from me
And even with all the love in my heart
I still could not stop it
Or change it, though I wished to.

Though you were in my life
But a few brief moments
You will be in my soul
For all of eternity

I will carry this burden
Of never having known you
Within my heavy heart and burdened soul
Until my dying day.

Though you were taken from me
Before we ever met.
I will carry your memory with me
For Ever and a day.

starz said...

hey mister anonymous, long-winded buddy. if you'd just send me an email address, i'll invite you to join the group.