Wednesday, July 13, 2005

... brick

bold, burnt and rough. piece by piece we build these walls around our hearts, our fears, our dreams, all of our vulnerability is hidden beneath this chalky and brash covering. no one even likes the look of the things but yet we keep building. keep building.

keep piling the shit on top of itself.


Krista said...

brick crick in the neck
red red head burns so quick in the sun
build a house brick none off that plaster and other cheap shit

(this word kept leading me off to other stuff... but it's a cool exercise. I'll be back. :)

starz said...

phx, that was hot!!

the fact that it leads you to other stuff is exactly the point... the words are just meant to jump-start your brain.

thanx for checking it out... you rule.

Kristie said...

falling asleep last night
I saw bricks, walls and walls of them,
or rather the mortar, and wondered
what it mean, so typical a symbol,
yet perhaps not.
Am I faced with obstacles, or am I mortar
and I decide: I am both.

Happy now, girly?

starz said...

hell yes i'm happy!!

very thought provoking, i must say.

Nat said...

I found myself imagining, how could I get to where I am now? but for naught

after all, essence dictated by existence leaves nothing but emptness, and the leftovers of the latter: x, i and t

what's an exit made of but mortar and that between it?

brick, baby.


[hell yeah solid foundation /]

took me entirely too long to post anything to this, for which I apologize. I also apologize for the genericism of what I just wrote. go me. (also making up words)

starz said...

ace stop apologizing.

you are brilliant... and your words follow suit.

to any of you lot who is interested, shoot me an email

i'd love you to be a twilight author.

Kristie said...

Provoking thoughts is what I do. ;o)