Wednesday, April 26, 2006

script to scream

Themes I am exploring with an amazing writer, co-creator at current:

Sanity vs. insanity
Success vs. failure
Passion vs. plodding along
Family vs. alone
Love vs. apathy
Community vs. isolation
Caring vs. existing
Thinking vs. doing
Insecurity vs. action

Over-arching flows:
Unrequited love
Mutated concept of family
Father Daughter relationships
Reconnecting with estranged/lost family

let me know any thoughts on the above...random or otherwise.

1 comment:

ghost said...

top half: how do you define each in its simplest terms? what is more important to you?

bottom half: again with the definition of each. why are they lost, unrequited?

once you know the details, the answers are easier to come by.