Saturday, June 14, 2008

Catching up

One Word: Daisy

Wasnt' that Donald duck's girlfriend? Not even the cartoon characters, with no pants and webbed feet, are safe from partnering off in this world.

Wordcount #1: The

The fear inside is not really of the other person, its of failing again to do the one thing that needs to be done. Without fixing the thing in my life that is utterly broken, I will die, but I have the most amazing shot to fix it. I haven't done it yet, because I have been afraid of the same conversation with the same end, and I couldn't stand another defeat like that. To fail myself and others is not okay with this one. Failure is not an option. The only option is to stare to fear in the eye, and fix this for real.

Wordcount # 2: OF

Of all of the things I am, I am not quite sure that creative or writer is one of them. Tortured soul, guitar player, music lover, singer (in the shower), head scratcher, workaholic (doesn't matter the job), and bartender...those are all things that I am sure of...its everything else that I am a little iffy on.


starz said...

don't be fooled, oom. your voice is surprisingly poignant here.

creative doesn't necessarily mean flowery or sophisticated.... or well trained, well versed, or heaven forbid, well dressed.

thank you for sharing your fears and insecurities here. they are safe with us.

haze said...

do this for YOU.

we're just here to encourage your brilliance.

oom oom said...

Yes m'am and yes m'am! That is right, I m'am-ed both of you. Thank you.