Thursday, October 23, 2008

wordcount #8: it

it is because when people ask me "if you had to only choose ONE of the things you are interested in to do every day," my answer is always the same. it is always "i can't imagine going a day without voluntarily examining human behavior and interactions." namely, analyzing myself and the people in my life; why we do things, where our feelings and actions lead us, how our relationships work, and what it all means on a higher, collective level.

it is always there. the only thing in me that never fades.


shenry said...

Voluntary examination is cool. I used to have problem turning that off, though. I was always examining everything. Sometimes it's nice to turn that off and just experience instead of examine. Man, it took me a while to figure that out.

Ranger 2273 said...


It started musing, and whole world choosing.
It followed electronic whirls and letter coloured swirls.
It reminded me, as your words refried me.
It chilled the spine, and memories of mine.
It ended here.

Tell me, was it the right writer?

;-) Ranger

Ranger 2273 said...

Visit soon


Ranger 2273 said...

After all thi stime I still can't type.
