Friday, August 06, 2004


"Hey, are you all right?"
"Yeah, I guess. I just . . . I miss him, a lot."
"C'mon. Y'all haven't gotten along for ages. It's just post-break-up blues."
"Yeah, I know, but that's not it, really."
"Right. And what could you possibly be missing about that asshole?"
"It's just that when things were good, they were really good."
"Yeah, and when things were bad, which was most of the time, they were really bad."
"You don't understand."
"Try and explain."
"When things were good, curling up with him -- I never felt safer than when I was in his arms. Those scant moments of peace, of love, they were like a little slice of heaven, in our disaster of a relationship."
"And he treated you like shit the rest of the time."
"Yeah, but it wasn't because he hated me."
"He just . . . hated himself."


starz said...

fucking brilliant. seriously. best one yet.

shenry said...

I second starz.