Thursday, August 05, 2004


do you believe in a heaven... a place of eternal joy to which you ascend when you die, assuming you've been a good boy?


shenry said...

I'm off on vacation for a while so please forgive me if I'm not around for the next week.

Theresa Sondjo said...

Shenry, I never thought to get involved with an on-line thing, with people I'd never met in real life. But I like what you write, and bizarrly enough, I'll miss your presence here. But you'll be back, of course.

And heaven . . . heaven is a cup of perfect coffee and a good book.

starz said...

have a good trip, you hear?

shenry said...

D.H., in hindsight, I think “heaven” might’ve been triggered by what you wrote for “upgrade”. Heaven is, indeed, a good book and a cup o’ coffee. I’m missing the coffee, though. Where the hell is the coffee around here! And, you know, twilight is enhanced by your writing. I’ll miss you, too.

Starz, the trip has just begun. So far so good.