Saturday, February 27, 2010

oneword: inspired

watching what has been accomplished and the distance that has been covered in such a short amount of time. going from just talking about something to actually doing something about it...that right there is the stuff dreams are made of.

not being the person that is standing there trying to figure out how to take that giant leap of faith.

taking that first step, oh so fearlessly.

i've been paying attention. now its my turn. to jump. to leap. to fly.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Tear plops
The world stops
And my heart flops
When your face drops

Let's change these rain drops of sadness to joy drops of gladness.

As soon as everyone drops
Their excuses

oneword: drops

one by one as they hit the smooth surface, and you dare to step in. i let them hit my face, hoping that each one will pull me further and further from the daze that i have found myself living in. dwelling in. hoping with every splash that it will wash it all off of me. it has been there so long, that i am encrusted in it. everyday, i wake up a little more. i am finding myself closer and closer to being free from all of it. one drop at a time. i get closer.

Thursday, February 04, 2010

oneword: brother

what a loaded word for me.

in short, the ideal to which i can't live up.

on the other hand, i'm not sure i want to.