Monday, November 21, 2011

oneword: laughter

I used to be pretty good at making people laugh and entertaining them. Maybe I have gotten too serious. I used to have more patience as well. I find myself losing patience with people in situations that I did not use to lose my patience. Maybe its because they took advantage one time too many. Maybe I just need to work harder, and dig deeper to find that patience...and that laughter.

oneword: flare

Signaling for help. A small sign of hope, or perhaps one of warning. One thought, one moment...can bring it all crashing down in an instant. The threat weighing heavily down upon you. One wrong step...and it could all crumble around you. Hanging on for dear take one last shot, and hope someone out there caught site of it.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

oneword: flare

i used to pride myself on my accessories. like a good office space groupie, i called them my pieces of flair. 

but they should have been pieces of flare.

ready. to ignite.